Put your form into a panel. This works, but I haven't looked at versioning (yet).

public class Index extends QuickStartPage {
    private Panel panel;

     * Constructor that is invoked when page is invoked without a session.
     * @param parameters Page parameters
    public Index(final PageParameters parameters) {
        panel = new MyPanel1("panel");

        add(new AjaxLink("ajax") {
            public void onClick(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if (panel instanceof MyPanel1)
                    panel = new MyPanel2("panel");
                    panel = new MyPanel1("panel");


On 5/3/06, Potje rode kool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a page with some links on the left side of the page, on the right side of the page I want to display a form.
Depend on which link is clicked I want to display another form (so replace the old form by a new one).
While working with normal links this is no problem but I wanted to use ajax links so only the right side of the page gets updated.

So my question  is, how do I this?

Thanks in advance.


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