Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> I think it is quite easy? If we implement that feature request it
> would be easier as it would be build in. But so many hours in a day...
> I actually forgot part of the code: [ ... ]

Okay, now it was easy! [1]  Thanks.  Here's what I did:

     contents.add(new PageLink("commentLink", new IPageLink() {
         public Class getPageIdentity() {return TopicPage.class;}
         public Page getPage() {return new TopicPage(topic);}
     }) {
         protected String getURL() {
             return urlFor(ILinkListener.class) + "#comments";
     }.add(new Label("commentCount", "" + (topic.postCount() - 1))));

Somewhere I have to start naming these intermediate objects; the end of 
my statements are starting to look like Lisp code!  :-)

It works, and I guess that's what's most important, but I'm still not 
clear on what I actually did.  Okay, so it's just one thing I'm not 
quite clear on:

     urlFor(Class listenerInterface)

is still a mystery to me.  I'm not making a lot of sense out of any of 
the Javadocs, and I think it's because I haven't done Wicket in a while 
now.  I'll get it eventually.

Thanks for your help,

   -- Scott

[1] "Now it's easy" reminds me of the joke from my math grad school 
days:  A professor is lecturing on his esoteric field of mathematics and 
says at one point, "It is obvious that" a certain proposition is true. 
A student calls him on it, asking, "Why is that true?"  The professor 
stops, scratches his head, ponders for a moment, then sits down staring 
at the blackboard mumbling to himself.  He stays there as the class 
ends, stroking his beard and furiously scribbling notes.  When the class 
meets again, he excitedly spends the entire hour presenting an intricate 
proof of the proposition.  As the class ends, he can clearly be heard 
saying to himself, "See? I KNEW it was obvious!"

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