>  go ahead and create a sf.net user (if you dont have one already) and email
> me the name so i can add you as a committer to wicket-stuff. from there all
> you have to do is create the project skeleton, check it in, and you are
> ready to go.

I think I already am, actually?  I talked to Eelco some time back
about contributing the blogger app I wrote in Wicket & EJB3 but have
not yet had time to commit it.  I believe my user is "vjenks".

> if you are talking about being competetive with other large portals that
> support the jsr then probably not unless you also create the jsr
> interoperability - which with a wicket event model is silly because wicket
> makes things much cleaner. but thats up to you.
>  -Igor

Agreed - I'm honestly not concerned with supporting the portlets JSR,
I don't see the benefit outside of being able to claim
interoperability - and what good is it if it's that much more
complicated to develop against.  I was thinking more along the lines
of feature-competitive rather than "standards".  Once it's pluggable,
if it's easy to develop against and open source, who knows what might
become of it?

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