I have a really odd problem here. I'm working on a simple application
that is based on the authentication sample from
wicket-auth-roles-examples. It works fine when I deploy in JBoss, but
when I either start Jetty by hand from main() (like in the examples)
or run it from the command line with mvn jetty6:run or jetty6:run-war
it doesn't work.

The thing that is happening is that I can submit the SignIn form but
nothing happens. In my authenticate() I print the username/password
but they are always empty strings.

I was thinking of a class loader issue, but the apps works and code
from both my side and the wicket side is loaded fine, otherwise it
would not work at all I guess.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on here? I would really prefer
to just run my Wicket app from the IDE.


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