AFAIK, there are three ways of implementing application transactions, 
lazy loading, etc. stuff  with Wicket & Hibernate :
1 - The hard way, where you pass object ids, and load & save them in 
each request cycle using a new session
2 - The detached object way, where you attach the old objects in each 
request cycle to a new session
3 - Using long sessions, where you keep a session during multiple 
requests and finally close when the unit of work is finished

What I've seen in the examples & wicket-phonebook is mostly number 1. 
However, as soon as you start working like 2 or 3, problems start. 
Things seem to get too complicated in these two scenarios(Actually I'm 
starting to think , despite its disadvantages, number 1 is better for a 
component web framework).
I would like to know if anybody has been working on these or has come up 
with a convenient solution to the problems arising here.


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