I'm using an AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to submit form data.

I would like to use ajax behaviour because if there are validation error I can notify user for errors without reloading page again.

If validation is OK I need to move to the next page in the application flow so in the onSubmit method for AjaxFormSubmitBehavior I write

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
    if( getFeedbackMessages().isEmpty() ) {
        MyPage page = new MyPage(...);
        String url = "" RequestCycle.get().urlFor(page, IRedirectListener.INTERFACE );
        target.addJavascript ( "window.location = '" +url+ "'" );
    } else {
        target.addJavascript("alert('"+ getJavascriptFeedbackMessage() +"')");

Thanks, Paolo

On 7/25/06, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
need to see some more code or a test case.

On 7/25/06, Paolo Di Tommaso < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to redirect after an ajax request doing something like that:

String url = "" RequestCycle.get().urlFor(myPageInstance, IRedirectListener.INTERFACE );
target.addJavascript( "window.location = '" +url+ "'" );

But always get an "Page Expired" error page.

Is it possible to redirect to a page instance?

Thanks, Paolo

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