alright, if you check out from wicket-1.x branch (which will be 1.2.3 when it is released) you will have ConversionException.setResourceKey(String).


On 9/13/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hmm, right now we dont support it, although it should be pretty easy to do. we will need to add a field to ConversionException to let you specify the key, and then append that to the resourcekey.

give me a bit


On 9/13/06, Erik Brakkee <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Igor Vaynberg wrote:
you can use TypeValidator for the generic key

or TypeValidator.<failedtype-simple-name> for the specific keys eg TypeValidator.PhoneNumber <= if conversion string->phonenumber failed.

I am already using this, but I want to one level more specific, for instance:

TypeValidator.PhoneNumber.tooshort=Phone number requires at least 10 digits
TypeValidator.PhoneNumber.unrecognized=Unrecognized chars in phone number, user only digts,  and '-'

In my specific case for a social security number I have three different specific messages that I can give.



On 9/13/06, Erik Brakkee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Converters allow localized messages to be configured in property files
but as far as I can see it is only possible to specify one validation
message per converted type. In practice it would be nice to specify
multiple ones. This is useful because in my code I can give a detailed
explanation of exactly what went wrong so it would be more user friendly
if I could also give these specific messages to users.

Is something like this possible with wicket?


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