On 12/20/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How easy will it be to take advantage of container resource injection when
> deploying wicket as client tier in glassfish server for instance.

Hi Ayodeji, as Igor has already pointed out, I've written a patch to
extend JEE dependency injection to wicket pages.
At the moment, the only supported annotation is @EJB, which means that
you have to write a stateless session bean which performs the
persistence logic, and use the @EJB annotation in your wicket pages.
Something like:

public class MyDao
  @PersistenceContext EntityManager em;

  public void create(PersistentObject po)


public class MyWicketServlet extends WicketServlet
 @EJB private MyDao dao;


IMHO using the EntityManager API directly in the web page is not so
elegant, nevertheless it shouldn't be difficult to add this

Filippo Diotalevi

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