can you check if the value is actually being submitted by the browser?


On 1/22/07, Johannes Fahrenkrug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I had a strange error.... I have a Panel with 3 radiobuttons. They let
me choose whether I want to pay by debit or credit or  if I want to be
billed later.
When I click on either of the radiobuttons, the corresponding input
fields get enabled via JavaScript.
On the Wicket side, I add

new AttributeModifier("disabled", true, new Model("disabled"));

to each input field that doesn't belong to the currently selected option
(i.e. the credit and debit fields are disabled when my payment method is
"bill me later").

When I select one of the other radio buttons, the correspondig text
fields get enabled, I enter the information, submit the form.... but the
model doesn't get updated!

When I remove the adding of the AttributeModifier, everything works. So
this means that Wicket "notices" that I'm adding a "disabled"
AttributeModifier and keeps the field disabled even when I enable it on
the webpage. Is this a feature or a bug?

If I would have wanted to really truly disable the Wicket Textfield
component, I would have called "setEnabled" on it. But I really just
want to set the HTML property "disabled"...

I'm looking forward to your input on this.

- Johannes

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