instead of doing all that redirect foo why dont you pass the instance of the
current page to the new page you are redirecting to when the button is
pressed. then to go back just set response page to that passed in instance.

class NextPage extends WebPage {
 public NextPage(final Page prev) {
       add(new Link("back") {
         public onclick() { setResponsePage(back); }

add(new Button("go-to-other-page") { onSubmit() { setResponsePage(new
NextPage(getPage())); }});


On 1/22/07, Harald Geritzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi all,

i got some strange behaviour here. i have a page with a compound
property model including some textfields and dropdownchoices and a
button, which redirects to another page. after coming back to the first
page by using getPage().continueToOriginalDestination() the textfields
are filled with the right values but the dropdownchoices lost their
selected values (the model.

after a bit of debugging it turned out, that when "isSelected" is called
the "selected" parameter is null though the combo's getModelValue()
returns the right index.

any ideas appreciated.
ty for that nice framework!

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