Override WebApplication#getDefaultRequestCycleFactory and provide the
factory to create your custom request cycle. For instance:

public class MyApplication extends WebApplication implements
IRequestCycleFactory {

        protected IRequestCycleFactory getDefaultRequestCycleFactory() {
                return this;

        public RequestCycle newRequestCycle(Session session, Request request,
Response response) {
                return new MyRequestCycle(session, request, response);

where you let your application class be the factory.


On 1/24/07, Apaar Trivedi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I am trying to make a custom exception page.
> I have created a class which overrides the onRuntimeException method in
> RequestCycle and wicket does not seem to be using.  Do I need to tell it
> to use this class, somehow?  Is there anything else I can do?  Basically
> I need a custom error page which can display the exception being thrown.
> Thanks
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