Last night I finished the very, very initial version of something I've been
working on mentally for a while now.  Its my first Wicket based project.
Its a web application "fragment", for lack of a better word, that provides a
tasklist and customizable task screen router for Jboss' Jbpm framwork.  If
you don't work with BPM frameworks much, it'll be a little tough to explain
the concept.  Here are my initial attempts:
This is a blog post that was supposed to give the basics of the application,
but degraded into what I like about Wicket compared to JSF (I'm wrapping up
a major project done in JSF and Facelets)
This is actually about the project.  Some about my BPM background, the
following page is just about the actual project...

That's it.  If you have some free time and feel like taking a look, I'd like
to know what kind anti-Wicket stuff I'm doing.  By that I mean most new
frameworks do things a little different than the ones before.  Wicket
especially.  I'm just wondering if my Model usage is strange. Things like

I'm also really interested in how people model tables and lists in Wicket.
I had a very similar problem in JSF.  Specifically the issue that arises
when you have a table type of component with links, backed by index instead
of ID.  That's an issue I have to look into.  Any thoughts?  I'm using a
ListModel and PropertyListView do display a list of links.  They're not the
BookmarkableLink type, so if the data behind the list changes between the
initial display and the user clicking the link, I'm going to run into
trouble.  My thought was to keep the list in the Model between the request,
and fill it with detachable model objects rather than real data objects.
Any thoughts?  Does that make sense?

See my long rant on the same topic when I started with JSF...

More to come as I work on this...

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