Hi All, 

I use Ajax links to switch between different panels on a page and some of the 
panels has datepicker components on it.
On IE 7 the date picker will stop working ( calendar won't pop up ) after 
switching between panels using ajax link.
I think the reason for this is  that when the dom is updated with the html for 
the panel the inline Calendar.setup script is not getting executed with IE7.
I tired calling the Calendar.setup script  on the decorateOnSuccessScript of 
the ajax link thats is used to switch panel and the date picker worked.
Can anyone say if this is the solution to go with or do we have any other 
better ways of solving the problem.
If calling the Calendar.setup script in the above mentioned way is the solution 
then it will be good if the getInitScript method on the DatePaicker is made 

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