can we see the stacktrace please?


On 3/1/07, Aaron Hiniker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I implemented a drag-n-drop using scriptaculous.  On my home PC,
everything was working fine, I can drag my products into a droppable
container and the container updates itself via AJAX just fine.... no
page refreshes.

I checked in the code, came into work today and rebuilt the app.  Now
when I drag my objects, I get a different behavior.  The first drop
executes fine and the droppable container refreshes itself via ajax.
The second time I drop the whole page refreshes and the drop doesn't
take place.

I get the following message in the logs:

[AbstractRequestTargetResolverStrategy] component not enabled or
visible, redirecting to calling page, component: [MarkupContainer
[Component id = image, page = blah.blah.ProductSearchPage, path =
isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]]

I'm not sure what's happening here. But let me explain the code/events a
bit more.

DraggableSource is an AbstractTransformerBehavior that I can add to any
component.  It add javascript to invoke scriptaculous to make the object
draggable, and also registers a callback url with the element
(element.dndCallbackUrl=<behavior url>).  The behavior url is called
when the component is dropped into a DraggableTarget.

DraggableTarget is a MarkupContainer with an AbstractTransformerBehavior
to add the javascript to make the container a drop target.  When an
object is dropped, it invokes the dropped elements dndCallbackUrl to
invoke the behavior.  It also appends it's markupId to the url so that I
can associate the container with the dropped object from within the

So the problem is:  what causes the behavior url to become invalid?
>From one drop to the next, the only markup that refreshes is the actual
container that the object is dropped into, so what could cause the
behavior's callback url to become invalid on the 2nd drop if the
component that behavior is tied to is never refreshed?

Sorry if this is hard to understand.. I guess to simplify the whole
question:   why am I getting a "component not enabled or visible,
redirecting to calling page"  when the component itself is never
refreshed, or had it's visibility toggled?

Latest wicket 2.0 from svn update earlier today.


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