make sure your servlet mapping ends with /* and not just /


On 3/9/07, Joel Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I cannot seem to get mountBookmarkablePage() to work.  Any time I try an
access a page through the mapping I set up, I get a 404 error.  The
strange thing is, if I set up a wicket Link in my app to link to the
mounted page, it puts the proper mapped address in the browser's address
bar but still gives a 404 error.  So it recognizes the mapping but can't
find the page.  If I remove the mountBookmarkablePage() call, run the
app and click the link it finds the page just fine.

I even tried mounting the entire package (since all my wicket
components are in the same package), but get a 404 error when trying to
access the app at all.

Is it at all possible that the application server is to blame?  That
it's trying to map the address before passing it to the wicket servlet?
I'm using oc4j and don't have much of a choice on what app
server I use.

I'm baffled why something so basic in wicket is simply not working, and
I'm completely out of ideas.



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