* Al Maw:
> Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> > Can I have the opinions of all committers please? Johan is on a skiing
> > trip but opts for c).
> I don't want to do any of A, B or C.
> What I /really/ think we should try to achieve:
> 1. Have long-term JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5 branches that are easy to
>     sync/backport from. These would therefore ideally have, in order of
>     importance:
>      - The same constructor/add logic.
>      - The same kind of models.
>      - The same package namespace.
> 2. Avoid pushing out a 1.3 beta that's very different from the RC and
>     final releases.
> Provided we do both of those, I don't really care how we get there. 
> Looking at your options, option C breaks that second point pretty badly.
> I still think we should push out 1.3 as-is, do a quick 1.4 with the new 
> models and a package rename from wicket to org.apache.wicket, and create 
> a 1.5 branch as soon as we have a beta/RC of 1.4.

The problem is not the names you  put in front of a released piece
of software.   The problem is how  many branches are you  going to
maintain  at  the  same  time?   At the  beginning  I  liked  your
proposal, but I  think now it's just too optimistic.   We won't be
probably  releasing anything  to  the public  until all  important
features have been backported from trunk.

> Everyone else seems to think that this is a terrible idea, likely to 
> drag on for ages and confuse the users. Given that is therefore a 
> non-flier, I think we should:
>   * Push the model change in right now.
>   * Let it settle for a week or two to catch the worst bugs.
>     (If we need a 1.3 alpha-incubator-moderation or whatever to get
>     Apache approval, I'm all for that in the meantime.)
>   * Get a 1.3 beta out the door to our users before the end of the month.
> I also think that if we're going to be stuck maintaining 1.3 as the JDK 
> 1.4 branch for a long time (which looks likely), we should change the 
> package namespace to org.apache.wicket for 1.3 right now, as it'll make 
> life easier.
> I guess there's nothing wrong with having a minor release version (like 
> 1.3.2 or something) be the first Apache approved non-incubator release.
> Hopefully if we push the model change into 1.3, no one will want 
> anything else to go in there and we can finally kick it out the door.

I'm +1 with everything you say in the second part of your mail.
I notice that you changed your mind during writing it, that's
good to see you are open, and not narrow-minded at all ;-)
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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