
I'm about to develop a new e-commerce site and having grown tired of other
frameworks I have tried, Wicket seems to bring forward a lot that I have
been missing and wanting to use. 

However, I have never used a component-based framework and I have a few
questions that I hope someone can answer.

I'm still not completely clear of what "server-side state management" means,
but seeing as Wicket is built on the standard technology, I assume this
means using HttpSession to store information. Things being Serializable
seems to be a common technique within Wicket; does this mean that the
HttpSession will become full of serialized objects? How can this not affect
memory usage? Or is this the trade-off, that is, if you use a
component-based framework, you don't have to worry about the session state
so much, but you better add more memory to the production box(?).

For example, for the new site that I'm developing, the only information that
I can see is needed to be stored between requests in the session objects is
whether the user is logged in or not (and his/her user-id). For such a site,
is something like Wicket overkill in terms of state management? The homepage
talks about how the "back-button"-problem is solved, but with my
requirements I can't even see where the problem is. Why should I care where
the user is when each request is independent? 

And one more specific question regarding Wicket template system. For my web
application, I'll most likely need some part of each page that either
displays some information about the logged in user, or otherwise a form
allowing the user to log in. With some other framework, I'd have a
conditional test and then output the appropriate HTML. None of the examples
that I have seen on "components" have this kind of conditional output so I
was simply wondering how one would go about developing such component with

That's it for now, but I'd be very grateful for any feedback I could get.
Browsing around and reading the (actually rather sparse) documentation
available, Wicket seems to be a very nice framework, but I think I'm too
stuck in the "old way" of developing web applications to see all the



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