i thought doing this was part of the "job". i thought being of apache
background you wouldve understood this better then any of us.


On 4/23/07, Jean-Baptiste Quenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Igor Vaynberg:

> you know jbq, i would love to see you for once answer a question
> instead of only pimping dojo :)

Igor you  know most users  (like me) don't  want to spend  time on
bloated Javascript.  That's why I mention this component.  Besides
that, Dojo's rich text editor is also a very nice wysiwyg editor.

But I admit I don't answer the question directly.  However someone
looking for  wysiwyg textarea will find  my post, and may  find it
useful even if not directly linked with the initial problem.

And I  also admit that  I don't have  the same patience  as yours,
providing code snippets all the  time, answering to every question
with such accuracy :-)

Congratulations, Igor!
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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