sounds like what you want is a servlet that is mapped as the 404 handler?


On 5/1/07, Juan Asensio Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everybody

I am developping a little application. I have three servlets:

Images folder -> /images (this is not a servlet, only a phisycal folder)
Servlet 1 -> /servlet1 -> my.package.Servlet1 (extends WebApplication)
Servlet 2 -> /servlet2 -> my.package.Servlet2 (extends WebApplication)
Servlet 3 -> /servlet3 -> my.package.Servlet3 (extends WebApplication)

My intention is to make another servlet that "catches" all unknown URLs
that are not manager by these 3 servlets or the data folders, so i can
manage custom URLs and invalid URLs. E.j. If the user types
http://myserver/myapp/category1/category2/product.html; neither exists a
servlet called "category1" neither a folder called "category1" (.html is
added only for human beings); so this URL should be managed by another
servlet, that analyzes the structure and, in this case, display the
information about the product in those categories.

Is this possible? I know it is a bit strange. Thanks in advance.

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