Juergen Donnerstag wrote:
> On 5/17/07, Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It looks like I will be using Wicket for my next project, but I ran into
>> an interesting little issue that I'm not sure how to solve.  How can I
>> allow templates that have something like <wicket:message>'s included but
>> with my own custom resolver?
 > Wicket is very flexible and modular. You can write your own
 > MyWicketMessageResolver and register it with the application. How to
 > do it? Just see how WicketMessageResolver is registered. It is realy
 > simple.

You're right.  It was very simple.  I created my own class modeled on 
WicketMessageResolver, and registered it in the init() of my application 
with something like this:

     getPageSettings().addComponentResolver(new MyCustomResolver());

My next question -- and you *knew* there would be one, right? :-) -- has 
to do with needing to add "wicket:custom" markup to attributes as well 
as component text.  I'm imagining the template editor needing to do 
something like

     <a href="abc" title="def"
        wicket:custom="href=lookup1,title=lookup2">my special link</a>

I see the experimental class WicketMessageTagHandler and note that it's 
disabled by default.  If I were to mimic this class for my own custom 
filter, is there any way I could go about registering it without hacking 
into MarkupParser?  Or is there some simpler way to do this?

Thanks for the help,

   -- Scott

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