ive come to a problem I dont know how to solve. I use a BasePage in wich i
have 2 RepeatingViews in wich i then put components (dynamic way at runtime
- i dont know what component will be in)
<div wicket:id="header">
    wicket:header container

<div wicket:id="content">
    wicket:content container

and they work alright - however, i allways get the <div> spans around 


- I tried to get rid of them by using 
header = new RepeatingView("header");   

but the setRenderBodyOnly(true) seems to be ignored... I then thought i
could use a WebMarkupcontainer but this then has no .newChildId function and
would require me to know the ID of a component, wich i dont know as its

So how can i get rid of these <div>s while having the rest of the
RepeatingView behaviour?

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