It's what was done in 1.2.6, but no longer in 1.3.  1.3 converts it to a
path relative to your context.

Sorry, my last post was probably confusing.  If I put "/foo/bar.css" - foo
is NOT my context.  My context for the app could be anything (but not foo).
Foo would be the root folder off of my domain that I want the request to be
sent for.  (i.e.. includes the style
sheet at  I do this and pair it with an
Apache alias that directs "/foo" to that folder within my webapp so that
Apache (not my servlet container) will serve static resources.

As of 1.2.6, it works fine.  As of 1.3, I can no longer do that without
adding my domain name ( add(HeaderContributor.forCss("";)); ), which is NOT
desirable - I should not have to add my domain name to be able to add the
resource relative to my domain root.

I opened JIRA for this.  I
will attach a patch to it as soon as I can get my environment set up to work
on Wicket.

Jeremy Thomerson

On 6/3/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sort of - but Wicket doesn't have to handle the prepending of it.  If I
> "/foo/bar.css", Wicket should generate my link tag using exactly that
> string, without modifying it in any way.

I actually think this is what we do now. Dunno, should look at it.
However, I think it is a bad idea to hard-code your context patch in
your applications.


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