With wicket 1.3 (and the SecondLevelCacheSessionStore thats default in 1.3)
only one page is kept in (session)memory
this is the active page that is just rendered. All other pages (for
backbutton) are saved to the hd.

So wicket controls the memory for you so you don't forget stuff (what i see
a lot in model2 frameworks)

models should be detachable so that you only have a small state (an id) so
that you can rebuild the real object you where working on.
this way the pages are pretty small.

If you don't want to have a page at all in the session then you can use
Stateless Pages (StatelessForms and links)
but don't use this for the wrong reasons...


On 6/5/07, Matthieu Casanova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I wonder what was the lifetime of the page and related objects in
Wicket ?
For example if I create a link in a web page, if I click on it, my java
method is called. But how many time do I have to click on it ?
Isn't it possible to have memory problems because of those objects (the
models too I suppose) that remains in memory and that I do not control ?


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