Hi Gui,

The packet traces indeed look like a machine on the path between the
server and you injects an RST, "Great Firewall" style. If I remember
correctly, machines used to send an RST by default when seeing a packet
their stack doesn't expect --- like from a connection they didn't
initiate, etc.

Why a machine on the path would feel obliged to do so and send an answer
with your IP is another question. You seem to be routed over
tunnelserver.funkfeuer.at, so that would be a candidate, particularly
since it listens on SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS. If it happened to inject RSTs
for all three protocols, then sure "the Internet looks broken" :-)

Perhaps you want to try TCP destination port other than 22, 80, 443 and
see if they work.

Am 23/04/18 um 11:03 schrieb Gui Iribarren:
> i'm more than happy to aid debugging. yesterday i tried to "bisect" the 
> traceroute hops to see how far i could get without RSTs, but did not report. 
> will send results in a bit.

Please do share! If it helps, here's how things look from the public
Internet "inwards" to stein712:

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
(....my commercial ISP...)
 5  vix2.nessus.at (  7.644 ms  6.740 ms  9.381 ms
 6  ae2-vl243.edge03.ndc.vie.nessus.at (  7.205 ms  7.536
ms  9.161 ms
 7  po11-vl965.edge01.ndc.vie.nessus.at (  8.138 ms
9.950 ms  8.260 ms
 8  funkfeuer-gw.bbr01.anx04.vie.at.anexia-it.net (
7.282 ms  7.726 ms  7.818 ms
 9  tunnelserver.funkfeuer.at (  8.230 ms  8.293 ms  7.499 ms
10 (  8.141 ms  9.181 ms  9.195 ms
11  mgmt.onetrix.net (  20.463 ms  10.040 ms  9.876 ms
12  router.mh.wien.funkfeuer.at (  12.361 ms  11.426 ms
11.738 ms
13  router.gri106.wien.funkfeuer.at (  12.307 ms  12.773 ms
 14.274 ms
14  lime.stein712.wien.funkfeuer.at (  17.465 ms  15.209
ms  13.978 ms

> also, ich kann auch deutsch lesen, ohne problem. schreiben is nicht so 
> einfach, that's why i use english, but please don't "downgrade" this thread 
> to english only because of me ;)

Keine Sorge :-)


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