This is getting stranger and stranger. So the "print" in itself does not
cause the crash, nor do any of the values that are to be printed.
That only leaves the tau, ir and iint of the "if" clause.
What happens if you try to print those ? tau is probably harmless, as
it appears in several comparisons before the one on line 46/47, iint has
little chance to get corrupted as well, but maybe we enter brl() with an
invalid "ir" parameter. (rho is above 10.d0, so the two preceding "if"
statements could be decided without checking ir, so this will be the
first time that ir is used). 
Dr. Martin Kroeker            martin at
c/o Prof.Dr. Caroline Roehr
Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Universitaet Freiburg

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