Dear WIEN2k community,

Is it correct to perform calculations with different Rmt radii for atoms 
of one type, e.g. Fe?

I need to calculate total energy of a systems containing one 
interstitial carbon atom in bcc iron matrix. Carbon has quite large 
MT-radius comparing with H atom, so StructGen sets Rmt(Fe) to 1.59 a.u. 
and Rmt(C) to 1.41 a.u. for lattice constant 5.394 a.u. In some papers 
(C. Domain et al., PRB 69, 144112 (2004)) Rmt(C) is even large than I 
got (~1.6 a.u.) and Rmt(Fe) is also much larger (~2.4 a.u.). But if I 
use the radii from the article, WIEN2k doesn't allow me to perform 
further procedures - nn gives me information about overlapping spheres.

Can I use Rmt(Fe)=2.4 a.u. in all volume of my supercell except of the 
nearest iron atoms?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Best regards,
    Maxim Rakitin
    South Ural State University
    Chelyabinsk, Russia
    email: rms85 at

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