We are running WIEN2k 2010 in Linux (binary version).

We have the this problem:

We are trying to run a example without inverse symmetry (GaAs).

The Wien2k generate the file $case.in1c and in2.c , but in the script 
run_lapw in the part

total_exec      lapw1 $it0 -c $para $nohns $readHinv0

the script run the lapw1 command.

We have notice that in the 2009 version and in this part the script is

total_exec      lapw1c $it0 -c $para $nohns $readHinv0

What I mean is, you say that in the case of $case.in1c we must run with 
lapw1c but the script run_lapw
try to execute lapw1, is this correct or I would change lapw1 for lapw1c.

Well, in addition, we have made this change, but always appear the next 
error (with or whitout lapw1c).

> Stop error

And when we trace the program, the error appear in the line
total_exec      lapw1c $it0 -c $para $nohns $readHinv0

Any idea?


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