Dear wien2k users,

                          Lattice param. optimization can be done by using
different kind of scripts as implemented in wien2k. Now there is an option
corresponding to orthorhombic lattice::

                      [6]VARY A, B and C (3D-case) (orthorhombic lattice)

Now my question is for this option *while A, B and C are varied, is unit
cell volume kept constant?*
If the answer is yes then is there any option in wien2k *except that
corresponding to constant A:B:C *for which both volume and lattice parameter
variation can be obtained?
Any response in this regard will be very helpful for us. Thanks in advance,

best regards,

Shamik Chakrabarti
Research Scholar
Dept. of Physics & Meteorology
Material Processing & Solid State Ionics Lab
IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur 721302
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