Please, ignore my last reply. It had to be sent to private email of someone 

I am not sure whether I understand your inquiry.  But, I just guess that you 
would like to make sure about using supercell approach for injecting impurity 
with a certain concentration. In this case, the answer is yes, and you need to 
create an appropriate supercell. The concentration of the impurity depends on 
the lattice parameter(s) of the supercell. Larger supercell results in lower 
concentration. To find the desired lattice parameter of the supercell, you 
would start from the smallest supercell, and try to calculate your favorite 
physical quantities. If your calculated quantities are not close to the 
corresponding experimental values, then make the supercell larger, and try 
again to compare your new results with the experimental values. You can 
gradually increase the supercell and trace the behavior of your calculated 
results with respect to the largeness of your created supercells compared to 
the experimental values. In this way, you will hopefully find the most suitable 
supercell for your case.


Sincerely yours,

S. Jalali


Saeid Jalali Asadabadi,

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,

University of Isfahan (UI), Hezar Gerib Avenue,

81744 Isfahan, Iran.


Dep. of Phys.   :+98-0311-793 2435

Office                  :+98-0311-793 4176

Fax No.              :+98-0311-793 4800

E-mail                 :sjalali at

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                             :saeid.jalali.asadabadi at

                             :s_jalali_a at

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From: wien-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Mouna Mesbahi
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:07 PM
To: wien at
Subject: [Wien] (no subject)


I have already tried the dituted semicondictors please i want to ask you if it 
is obliged to pass by the generation of supercelle to add the impurity
thank you in advance
cordially mouna Mesbahi

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