Dear Sir

I want to know how can define MKLROOT and Which one system i have to choose
(i choose I    Linux (Intel ifort 12.0 compiler + mkl )  )
I install MKL Librery anf ifort compiler (l_mkl_11.0.2.146 and

Getting the following error

   *  Specify compiler options  *

PLEASE NOTE: Best performance can be obtained with processor specific
Very important for speed-up is a optimized BLAS (like mkl, essl, ..),
or at least the GOTO- or ATLAS-BLAS instead of the simple "-lblas_lapw"

For more info see
searching ....
 I could not find the mkl-library because MKLROOT is not defined.
 Please check whether mkl is installed at all and where
 (mkl is included in new ifort versions, see )
 Without mkl you should install the GOTO-blas or you must use the blas_lapw
 library (performance loss)
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