Dear Gavin,

in case.outputdmup, for instance, I find only this information on angles:

120.0  60.0 angle (M,z), angle (M,x) deg

Here below is a passage where this line comes from:

   SUBSTANCE                    = blebleble                               
s-o calc. M||  1.00  1.00 -1.00

   LATTICE                      = P
   LATTICE CONSTANTS ARE        =   13.6697120  13.6697120  13.6697120
  BR1,  BR2
   0.56295  -0.18765  -0.18765      0.56295  -0.18765  -0.18765
   0.00000   0.53075  -0.26537      0.00000   0.53075  -0.26537
   0.00000   0.00000   0.45964      0.00000   0.00000   0.45964
  alpha test   1.04719755119660        1.04719755119660
 SO= T
 Spin-polarized + s-o calculation, M||  1.000  1.000 -1.000
  alpha test   1.04719755119660        1.04719755119660
  alpha test   1.04719755119660        1.04719755119660
 120.0  60.0 angle (M,z), angle (M,x) deg

There is no information on THETA and PHI.

> Do you have a case.outputdm, case.outputdmup, or case.outputdmdn file?
> Can you see if the THETA and PHI is different from that in case.outsymso?
> How to explain the 1st iteration ORB005, since sqrt((-0.08361)**2 +
> (-0.01872)**2 + (0.02851)**2) = +0.0903 != -0.06454

Sorry, this is my mistake: what you see is the last iteration. The true
first iteration is
:ORB005:  ORBITAL MOMENT: -0.03637 -0.06090  0.04160 PROJECTION ON M -0.08224

For these values, sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) indeed holds. Then, in the
converged solution the orbital moment deviates from M.

Could it be that something is wrong in the code?

> For those angles, I also get 0.927 for SPI005 and -0.06356 for ORB005.
> If THETA and PHI in case.outputdm are slightly different, then both
> calculations could work out.
> Kind Regards
> On 6/29/2012 7:36 AM, Kateryna Foyevtsova wrote:
>> Dear Gavin,
>> that's the point: sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) works! I indeed get 1.075
>> when I insert my x, y and z into this equation!
>> >From case.outsymso:
>> THETA, PHI   1.57079632679490       0.955316618124509
>> and using your formula I get 0.927.
>> Bests
>> On 29/06/12 14:49, Gavin Abo wrote:
>>> That should be because the equation is not sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2).
>>> The equation that it seems to use is
>>> sin(theta)*(cos(phi)*x+sin(phi)*y)+cos(theta)*z for both ORBxxx and
>>> SPIxxx.
>>> So, sin(theta)*(cos(phi)*0.46560+sin(phi)*0.80642)+cos(theta)*0.53749 =
>>> 1.075 (projection on the M axis).
>>> What are the values of phi and theta?  I believe they are given in
>>> case.outputdm(up/dn).  Hopefully the values satisfy the equation, else
>>> I
>>> must have overlooked something.
>>> On 6/29/2012 1:54 AM, Kateryna Foyevtsova wrote:
>>>> Dear Gavin,
>>>> thanks a lot for your detailed answer and the very useful links!
>>>> If ORBxxx and SPIxxx are in CCS, how to explain the fact that for, eg,
>>>> SPI005 in the first iteration
>>>> sqrt(0.46560**2 + 0.80642**2 + 0.53749**2) = 1.075
>>>> ie, exactly the projection on the M axis. I would not expect that if
>>>> 0.46560, 0.80642 and 0.53749 were projections on the non-orthogonal
>>>> axes. That is for me the hardest thing to understand.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Kateryna
>>>> On 29/06/12 04:49, Gavin Abo wrote:
>>>>> 1) In which coordinate system are SPI005 and ORB005 given?
>>>>> In Appendix C ( of "New
>>>>> notes
>>>>> about Hyperfinefield calculations (ps)", it mentions that the
>>>>> subroutine
>>>>> /couplx/ (of lapwdm) now calculates matrices of all components of
>>>>> spin
>>>>> and orbital momentum in the "crystal coordinate system
>>>>> (sx,sy,sz,lx,ly,lz)". Therefore, *I believe the x, y, and z values of
>>>>> SPIxxx and ORBxxx are also in the crystal coordinate system (CCS),
>>>>> while
>>>>> the M values ("PROJECTION ON M" values) are parallel to the
>>>>> magnetization. *
>>>>> If your good with reading fortan, you can look into the code. I don't
>>>>> full understand what is going on in the code, but I believe the
>>>>> "direction to M" (in your case: 1 1 -1) specified in case.inso is
>>>>> read
>>>>> in SRC_lapwdm/lapwdm.f. Then, the angles theta and phi between the
>>>>> "direction to M" and CCS are calculated in SRC_lapwdm/angle.f. Next,
>>>>> the
>>>>> x, y, and z values of SPIxxx and ORBxxx are calculated in the CCS.
>>>>> The
>>>>> x, y, and z values are written to case.outputdm(up/dn) and
>>>>> case.scfdm(up/dn), while a Cartesian to spherical equation [r =
>>>>> sin(theta)*(cos(phi)*x+sin(phi)y)+cos(theta)*z] is used to calculate
>>>>> the
>>>>> radius (M) using the x, y, and z, theta, and phi values before
>>>>> writing
>>>>> to the same output files as performed by SRC_lapwdm/output.f.
>>>>> 2) Why for the first iteration MMI005 is not even roughly equal to
>>>>> SPI005 + ORB005?
>>>>> SPIxxx is the spin moment calculated from selected electrons only
>>>>> (usually d or f).
>>>>> MMIxxx is the sum from all electrons (s, p, d and f states) inside
>>>>> the
>>>>> atomic sphere xxx.
>>>>> ORBxxx is the orbital magnetic moment.
>>>>> So*MMIxxx = SPIxxx + ORBxxx is not necessarily true.*
>>>>> See the reference links below for more information:
>>>>> On 6/28/2012 9:18 AM, Kateryna Foyevtsova wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Wien2k developers,
>>>>>> I use wien2k version 11.1 to run spin-polarized GGA+U calculations
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> SO coupling for a molibdenum oxide.
>>>>>> The symmetry of the system is the following
>>>>>> blebleble                                s-o calc. M||  1.00  1.00
>>>>>> -1.00
>>>>>> P                           15 2 P-
>>>>>>                RELA
>>>>>>    13.669712 13.669712 13.669712 60.000000 60.000000 60.000000
>>>>>> As you see, I set magnetization axis to 1 1 -1, which should be in
>>>>>> terms
>>>>>> of (non-orthogonal) lattice vectors.
>>>>>> With the help of xcrysden and case.outsymso, I can deduce that this
>>>>>> direction corresponds to the 0.577350, 0.816497, 0 direction in
>>>>>> terms of
>>>>>> the cartesian global coordinate system.
>>>>>> When I converge the electron density with (without using any
>>>>>> previously
>>>>>> converged non-relativistic calculation)
>>>>>> runsp_lapw -p -orb -so -dm
>>>>>> I get the following data for the first and the last iteration on one
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the Mo atoms:
>>>>>> 1. iteration:
>>>>>> :SPI005:  SPIN MOMENT:   0.46560   0.80642  -0.53749 PROJECTION ON M
>>>>>> 1.07518
>>>>>> :ORB005:  ORBITAL MOMENT: -0.08361 -0.01872  0.02851 PROJECTION ON M
>>>>>> -0.06454
>>>>>> :MMI005: MAGNETIC MOMENT IN SPHERE   5    =    1.86180
>>>>>> last iteration (converged solution):
>>>>>> :SPI005:  SPIN MOMENT:   0.61653   1.06239  -0.70860 PROJECTION ON M
>>>>>> 1.41804
>>>>>> :ORB005:  ORBITAL MOMENT: -0.08361 -0.01872  0.02851 PROJECTION ON M
>>>>>> -0.06454
>>>>>> :MMI005: MAGNETIC MOMENT IN SPHERE   5    =    1.43149
>>>>>> Now, I am struggling to understand two things:
>>>>>> 1) In which coordinate system are SPI005 and ORB005 given?
>>>>>> If they were given in the global cartesian coordinate system, they
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be parallel to 0.577350, 0.816497, 0, but they are not.
>>>>>> 2) Why for the first iteration MMI005 is not even roughly equal to
>>>>>> SPI005 + ORB005?
>>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>>> Kateryna Foyevtsova
>>>>>> P.S. When I perform relativistic calculations starting with a
>>>>>> preconverged electron density of the non-relativistic solution I get
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same final result.
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