Dear Dr. Blaha and developers,

In WIEN2k_11.1 (Release 14/6/2011), the "restore calculation from 
directory specified" box is checked, a existing "directory" is entered 
for "Save name or directory", then the "restore" button is clicked under 
Utils. -> restore_lapw in w2web.

Part of the error message:

restore_lapw -d directory directory
 >>> No files found matching mask directory/directory

The problem is that the script needs to run command "restore_lapw -d 
directory" or "restore_lapw -d directory case" instead.

Thus, only a restore from "save_lapw -d case" is expected to work with 
"case" for the "Save name or directory".

It is suggested thatline 66 of 

$cmdline .= " -d $savename" if ($d);

be changed to:

$cmdline .= " -d" if ($d);

where "$savename" is removed.

That way a restore from "save_lapw -d directory" will work with 
"directory" for the "Save name or directory".

Also, a restore from "save_lapw head_of_save_filename -d directory" 
would be possible with the entry format "directory 
head_of_save_filename" for the "Save name or directory".

Kind Regards,

Gavin Abo
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