Dear Prof. Blaha,

When I run the TiC example with WIEN2k 12 "without" k-point or mpi 
parallelization, the program stops in lapw2 with the error shown below.  
Here lapw2 cannot read the file, because it is missing data 
in it as lapw0 gives bad output such as a Density Integral with the 
value NaN in TiC.output0.

The problem seems to be related to the new fft module.

If lines 536-538 and 612-614 in SRC_lapw0/fft_modules.F:

N2 = N+N
DO 117 I=1,N2
    C(I) = CH(I)

are both changed to:

DO 117 I=1,N
    C(I) = CH(I)

Then, the error goes way.  On my system, N was the number 64.  The array 
C had a size of 64, such that the loop is indexing outside the array (N2 
= 128).

In Wien2k 11, TiC.output0 had:

:DEN  : DENSITY INTEGRAL  =          -754.35311720   (Ry)

In Wien2k 12 with both changes made in fft_modules.F, TiC.output0 had:

:DEN  : DENSITY INTEGRAL  =          -753.97972930   (Ry)

The density integral value is about the same, but the plane wave 
contribution value may be significantly different.   So I'm not 
completely sure if my change is correct.  Therefore, please let me know 
if a different change is needed.



forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit 30, file 
Image              PC                Routine Line        Source
lapw2              000000000053676A  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              0000000000535266  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              00000000004DFA30  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              000000000049BDEF  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              000000000049B2F7  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              00000000004C10B3  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              0000000000437F93  fermi_tetra_ 516  fermi_tmp_.F
lapw2              0000000000437423  fermi_ 111  fermi_tmp_.F
lapw2              00000000004721BA  MAIN__ 278  lapw2_tmp_.F
lapw2              0000000000403C9C  Unknown Unknown  Unknown          00002B3BE2AF5C8D  Unknown Unknown  Unknown
lapw2              0000000000403B99  Unknown Unknown  Unknown

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