Why should spin-up and dn be equal ?
Only in an antiferromagnet you can have this, a ferromagnet must have 
different spin-up/dn.

Am 13.02.2013 07:41, schrieb Francisco Garcia:
> Dear users,
> I ran a EECE calculation with spin-orbit interaction and ended up with
> a total spin up DOS different from the total spin down DOS, and the
> difference is quite significantly. In the past, they always turn be
> equal so I wondering why the difference this time. My commands for
> generating the qtl files were:
> runsp -eece -i 400 -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.00001 -p -so
> x lapw2 -so -p -qtl -up
> x lapw2 -so -p -qtl -dn
> Thank you.
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Peter Blaha
Inst.Materials Chemistry
TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna

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