Why don't you install pgplot and plotgenc?

Below are my Debian install notes, which might help.  The install is 
most likely the same for Ubuntu.  For other Linux distributions, you may 
have to make your own adjustments.

*Installing pgplot*

1. In a terminal: sudo apt-get install pgplot5

For other linux distributions, search the Internet.  You may have to 
install by another method (yast, etc.).

*Installing plotgenc *

1. Go to: http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/unsupported/
2. Download Plotgenc: plotgenc.tar.gz
3. In a terminal: mkdir $WIENROOT/SRC_plotgenc
4. In a terminal, while in the directory with plotgenc.tar.gz: tar xvf 
plotgenc.tar.gz -C $WIENROOT/SRC_plotgenc
5. Go to the SRC_plotgenc directory (cd $WIENROOT/SRC_plotgenc)
6. The Makefile in SRC_plotgenc contains the compile command for the 
pgf77 fortran compiler, which you can enter into a terminal. Using the 
"make" command may not work on it with the error "Makefile:1: *** 
missing separator.  Stop.".  Attached is my slightly improved Makefile, 
where I have used ifort instead of pgf77.  Replace the Makefile in 
SRC_plotgenc with it.  Edit it an text editor as necessary for your 
system.  Finally, in a terminal while in SRC_plotgenc, do: make
7. The executable file plotgenc will appear in SRC_plotgenc, if the 
compile is successful.
8. Copy the file to the base directory of Wien2k: cp plotgenc ..

On 12/8/2012 1:43 AM, arrinas wrote:
> Dear Pro. Blaha and wien2k users,
>          Greetings.
>          I am working on a 2D Fermi surface of LaFeAsO , and following 
> the steps on UG I got the fort.** files.
> However, we don't have pgplot and plotgenc.So my questions are:
>          1. Is there  any plotting-program I can use to plot the fort 
> files?
>          2. The fort file I got looks like:
>                        20          20  0.8246000      0.8246000
> -0.25961699E+01 -0.26794386E+01 -0.27745819E+01 -0.28575199E+01 
> -0.28953395E+01
>           What is the meaning of the second line and below of the fort 
> file?
>           Is it OK if I want to plot using gnulpot? If so , any 
> experience or suggestion will be appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bo Wan
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#Users should change FC to their fortran compiler and LDIR to the location of 
their libpgplot.a and libX11.a.

        ${FC} plotgenc.f -L${LDIR} -lpgplot -lX11 -o plotgenc 

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