The init_hf_lapw script and template.in0_grr_hf symbolic link to the case.in0_grr_hf file in SRC_templates exists in Wien2k 13.1, but not in 12.1. If you are using 12.1, you have to follow a different set of instructions as described in the 12.1 userguide (see SRC directory of your installation).

On 7/4/2013 3:29 AM, wasim raja Mondal wrote:
Dear Tran

Thanks for your reply. I am following what you told. I have done the following steps:

(1) I have initialized calculation by init

(2) I have run general scf using LDA (5) as exchane correlation.

(3) After saving the calculation, I am going to initialized next calculation by typing :init_hf_lapw

It is showing
init_hf_lapw: command not found

(4) I have copied  case.inhf from  $WIENROOT/SRC templates.

(5) Next <> grr file I am not finding in the templates nor in my working directory. case.grr file I have found in my working directory but it is vacant.

What should I do now?


On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 4:40 PM, < <>> wrote:


    with wien2k it is possible to do calculations with a functional which
    is similar (but not exactly the same) to the Sx-LDA functional of
    Bylander and Kleinman [PRB 41, 7868 (1990)].

    To do such calculations you have to follow the steps explained in
    50-54 and 104-106 of the userguide:

    In your case you have to choose:
    indxc=5 in case.in0
    indxc=51 in case.in0_grr
    alpha=1 in case.inhf

    The screening parameter lambda is calculated automatically in the
    functional, but not in wien2k where it is a parameter chosen by
    the user
    (in case.inhf).

    Be aware that calculations using the Hartree-Fock exchange (e.g.,
    are between 1 and 3 orders of magnitude more expensive than LDA/GGA

    F. Tran

    On Tue, 2 Jul 2013, wasim raja Mondal wrote:

    > Dear wien2k experts
    > I want to use Sx-LDA functional for my calculation. May I know this
    > functional is available in wien2k and if yes what is the number
    for that.
    > Regards
    > wasim

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