Correction: attached file contains 2.5 layers of STO instead of 2 layers and 
1.5 layers of LAO
 Dear Prof. Blaha,I copied my struct file to a new directory and I got the same 
error.Attached is my struct file with two layers of STO and 1.5 layer of LAO. I 
have saved the struct file and I have also

set automatically RMT and continue editing
The initialization was Ok.Thank you very much for your help in advanceWith best 

     On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 5:27 PM, Mohammed Abujafar 
<> wrote:

 Dear WIEN2k users,Hi,I am trying to do interface calculations.I have built my 
interface without any problem.The initialization was done successfuly.When I 
start running the scf I got the following: LAPW0 END
SELECT - Error

>   stop error
 start  (Tue Feb  3 17:10:02 CET 2015) with lapw0 (40/99 to go)

    cycle 1     (Tue Feb  3 17:10:02 CET 2015)  (40/99 to go)

>   lapw0       (17:10:02) 18.526u 0.239s 0:18.99 98.7% 0+0k 15416+12552io 
> 3pf+0w
>   lapw1     -c        (17:10:21) 0.321u 0.018s 0:00.40 82.5%  0+0k 
> 3224+2504io 1pf+0w

>   stop error
 have checked out the lapw1.error , I found the following:

 'SELECT' - no energy limits found for atom   7  L= 0                          
 'SELECT' - E-bottom   -8.58284   E-top -200.00000                             
 can I solve this error? Your help is so appreciated.With best regardsMohammed



Attachment: STO-LAO-interface-1.struct
Description: Binary data

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