After you added and saved in .bashrc the line

export LC_NUMERIC=en_US

did you reload .bashrc in the bash terminal with

source ~/.bashrc

(or close and open a new bash terminal)

If you enter the terminal command: locale

Does it return in the output


Instead of "export LC_NUMERIC=en_US", have you tried "export LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8"?

Maybe the US locale needs to added and configured. Refer to the "Setting locale failed" post in the Ubuntu forum:

On 7/2/2015 4:48 AM, Soumya J. Ray wrote:


I am trying to install Wine2k on ubuntu 14.10 (AMD Optetron 64 bit). I followed the installation commands as mentioned in the manual, which came up with an error message while running the command: ./siteconfig_lapw

It came with this message:

You must change your LOCALE !

The command printf "%5.3f" 0.15 prints 0,15 instead of 0.15

Set LC_NUMERIC globally or in your startup files, like:

setenv LC_NUMERIC en_US in .cshrc or

export LC_NUMERIC=en_US in .bashrc

siteconfig can only continue when your LOCALE is corrected

I tried setting up these variables in the .cshrc file and .bashrc file using these commands,

nano .cshrc

nano .bashrc

which didn't fix the problem. As a result when running the command ./userconfig_lapw, it came with this message


*                        WIEN 2k                        *

     * user configuration                   *



     No installation information could be retrieved!

     Make sure that your system has been set up

     correctly using siteconfig_lapw!

I am guessing the file paths are not correct probably. Could you please let me know how to set up these variables and also the WINE path ?

Thanking in advance,

S. Ray

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