Yes, it could really happen ! (Not happy about it, need to be changed)

I recently introduced in the run(sp)_lapw scripts a hack that mixer should run a second time with a larger mixing (echo 0.2 >.pratt), in case it is the first iteration and the charge distance is very small.

However, I also added a line in such a case that struct_old should be copied to struct (probably on Lauries request, because otherwise the positions could be inconsistent).

if ($icycle == 1 && $itestdis < 100000 && "$itestmem" == "0" && $?firstcheck) then
  echo 0.2 >.pratt
  unset firstcheck
  rm *.broy*
  if ($testmsr == 'MSR') cp $file.struct_old $file.struct   <---comment
  goto mixer

This hack is because in WIEN2k_14 the mixer started always with a very small PRATT-step, which could lead to stagnation. It would be best if mixer would do this internally.

At the moment comment the copy-line to prevent this again.

PS:  When overlapping spheres happen, do:

cp case.struct case.struct_new
edit case.struct_new and set smaller sphere radii
x clminter  (-up(dn)
cp  case.struct_new case.struct
cp case.clmsum_new case.clmsum
... clmup/dn

On 11/02/2015 04:22 PM, Elias Assmann wrote:
Hi List,

My MSR1a (‘-min’) calculation was running along happily until I reduced
the RMTs (using ‘clminter’).  After that it continued to run for several
iterations, but now has crashed (“SELECT” error in lapw1).

I noticed that the RMTs in the current struct file are back to their
original values, before the reduction.  Is it possible that this change
happened automatically?

I happened to check on the calculation in the last iteration before it
crashed, and saw that the ‘case.struct’ had the original, larger, RMTs
while ‘case.struct_old’ still had the reduced ones.  Now, after the
crash, both files have the original radii.

This is corroborated (I think) by the :RKM tag in ‘case.scf’, which
changes in the last iteration, apparently back to the value it had
before the RMT reduction:

:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE  8870LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE  8870LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE 10382LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE 10382LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE 10382LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE 10382LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:
:RKM  : MATRIX SIZE  8870LOs: 616  RKM= 6.50  WEIGHT= 2.00  PGR:

By the way, I had a separate calculation running in a subdirectory of
this one, in case there could be any interference from that.  Also, this
is still the same calculation I asked about earlier, and I still get the
*WARNING*s from ‘mixer’ without a more explicit message.


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