Dear Wien2k users,

I am a new BerryPi 1.3 program user and want to reproduce the example in
the manual with compound GaAs. I got an error such as:

$   berrypi -p -k6:6:6
[ BerryPI ] Parallel calculation is activated
            it is assumed that you have .machines file ready
[ BerryPI ] Proceed with the k-mesh [6, 6, 6]
[ BerryPI ] Starting BerryPI Automation for berry
[ BerryPI ] New working directory: /home/upetralanda001/BFO/berry/berry
[ BerryPI ]  w2kpath = /software/WIEN2k
[ BerryPI ]  pypath = /software/python-2.7.9/bin/python2.7
[ BerryPI ]  bppath = /software/WIEN2k/BerryPI-1.3
[ BerryPI ] +++Version 1.3 (Mar 17, 2015)

[ BerryPI ] Python version: 2.7.9
[ BerryPI ] Numpy version: 1.10.2rc1
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: rm -f berry.broyd*
[ BerryPI ] Copied berry.struct to berry.ksym
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: echo "0 6 6 6 0" | x kgen -fbz
           1  symmetry operations without inversion
  NUMBER OF K-POINTS IN WHOLE CELL: (0 allows to specify 3 divisions of G)
 length of reciprocal lattice vectors:   1.019   1.019   1.019   0.000
 0.000   0.000
  Specify 3 mesh-divisions (n1,n2,n3):
  Shift of k-mesh allowed. Do you want to shift: (0=no, 1=shift)
         216  k-points generated, ndiv=           6           6           6
0.010u 0.020s 0:00.11 27.2%     0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: cp berry.klist berry.klist_w90
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: x lapw1   -p
running lapw1c in single mode
7.300u 0.550s 0:08.29 94.6%     0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
[ BerryPI ] Determine number of bloch bands in non-sp mode
[ BerryPI ]     Number of bloch bands is [[1, 14]]
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: /software/python-2.7.9/bin/python2.7
/software/WIEN2k/write_inwf -mode MMN -bands 1 14
[ BerryPI ] is present and will be removed
             ... done
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: write_win
/software/WIEN2k/write_win: line 2: setenv: command not found
write_win: template file `/software/WIEN2k/SRC_templates/' not
found, will use empty template
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: /software/python-2.7.9/bin/python2.7
/software/WIEN2k/BerryPI-1.3/ berry
[ BerryPI ]  file berry.scf2 found; will extract the Fermi energy
:FER  : F E R M I - ENERGY(TETRAH.M.)=   0.3185071614
[ BerryPI ]  Ef = 0.3185071614 Ry
[ BerryPI ]  berry.fermi is present and will be removed
             ... done
[ BerryPI ]  Fermi energy is written to berry.fermi
[ BerryPI ] Calling command: x w2w  -p
grep: .processes: No such file or directory
grep: .processes: No such file or directory
6.240u 0.060s 0:07.21 87.3%     0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
[ BerryPI ] Finished Berry phase computation for berry
[ BerryPI ] Performing main calculation on berry
[ BerryPI ] Checking existance of berry.outputst
[ BerryPI ] -- OK
[ BerryPI ] Checking existance of berry.scf
[ BerryPI ] -- OK
[ BerryPI ] Checking existance of berry.struct
[ BerryPI ] -- OK
[ BerryPI ] Checking existance of berry.outputd
[ BerryPI ] -- OK

Initial Berry phases and their wrapped values in the range [-pi ... +pi]
                               | init k-point | phase raw (rad) | phase
wrap. (rad)
                     path(   1)          1        -8.117735e+00
                     path(   2)          2        -1.609796e+00
                     path(   3)          3         4.707841e+00
                     path(   4)          4        -1.576636e+00
                     path(   5)          5        -1.575344e+00
                     path(   6)          6        -7.892981e+00
                     path(   7)          7         4.673390e+00
                     path(   8)          8        -1.609796e+00
                     path(   9)          9         4.759751e+00
                     path(  10)         10         4.762531e+00
                     path(  11)         11        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  12)         12        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  13)         13        -1.575344e+00
                     path(  14)         14        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  15)         15         4.707841e+00
                     path(  16)         16        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  17)         17        -1.508676e+00
                     path(  18)         18         4.762531e+00
                     path(  19)         19        -7.859822e+00
                     path(  20)         20         4.762531e+00
                     path(  21)         21        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  22)         22        -1.576636e+00
                     path(  23)         23         4.762531e+00
                     path(  24)         24        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  25)         25         4.707841e+00
                     path(  26)         26        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  27)         27        -1.508676e+00
                     path(  28)         28        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  29)         29        -7.858529e+00
                     path(  30)         30         4.759751e+00
                     path(  31)         31        -1.609796e+00
                     path(  32)         32        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  33)         33        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  34)         34        -7.803840e+00
                     path(  35)         35        -7.806619e+00
                     path(  36)         36        -1.609796e+00
                     path(   1)          1         4.448636e+00
                     path(   2)          2         4.673390e+00
                     path(   3)          3         1.099103e+01
                     path(   4)          4        -1.576636e+00
                     path(   5)          5         4.707841e+00
                     path(   6)          6        -1.609796e+00
                     path(   7)         37        -7.892981e+00
                     path(   8)         38         4.673390e+00
                     path(   9)         39         1.104294e+01
                     path(  10)         40        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  11)         41        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  12)         42         4.759751e+00
                     path(  13)         73         4.707841e+00
                     path(  14)         74        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  15)         75        -1.575344e+00
                     path(  16)         76        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  17)         77         4.774509e+00
                     path(  18)         78         4.762531e+00
                     path(  19)        109        -1.576636e+00
                     path(  20)        110        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  21)        111        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  22)        112        -1.576636e+00
                     path(  23)        113        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  24)        114        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  25)        145         4.707841e+00
                     path(  26)        146         4.762531e+00
                     path(  27)        147         1.105769e+01
                     path(  28)        148        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  29)        149        -1.575344e+00
                     path(  30)        150         4.759751e+00
                     path(  31)        181         1.095657e+01
                     path(  32)        182         4.759751e+00
                     path(  33)        183        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  34)        184        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  35)        185        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  36)        186        -1.609796e+00
                     path(   1)          1         4.448636e+00
                     path(   2)          7         4.673390e+00
                     path(   3)         13        -1.575344e+00
                     path(   4)         19         4.706549e+00
                     path(   5)         25        -1.575344e+00
                     path(   6)         31         4.673390e+00
                     path(   7)         37         4.673390e+00
                     path(   8)         43         4.673390e+00
                     path(   9)         49         4.759751e+00
                     path(  10)         55        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  11)         61        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  12)         67         4.759751e+00
                     path(  13)         73        -1.575344e+00
                     path(  14)         79         4.759751e+00
                     path(  15)         85        -7.858529e+00
                     path(  16)         91         4.762531e+00
                     path(  17)         97        -7.791862e+00
                     path(  18)        103         4.762531e+00
                     path(  19)        109         4.706549e+00
                     path(  20)        115        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  21)        121        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  22)        127        -1.576636e+00
                     path(  23)        133        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  24)        139        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  25)        145         4.707841e+00
                     path(  26)        151         4.762531e+00
                     path(  27)        157        -1.508676e+00
                     path(  28)        163        -1.520654e+00
                     path(  29)        169         4.707841e+00
                     path(  30)        175        -1.523434e+00
                     path(  31)        181        -1.609796e+00
                     path(  32)        187        -7.806619e+00
                     path(  33)        193        -7.803840e+00
                     path(  34)        199         4.762531e+00
                     path(  35)        205         4.759751e+00
                     path(  36)        211         4.673390e+00

Value                           |  spin   |    dir(1)    |    dir(2)    |
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/software/WIEN2k/BerryPI-1.3/berrypi", line 906, in <module>
    theCalc = postProcBerryPhase(configFile,phasesRaw,spCalc)
  File "/software/WIEN2k/BerryPI-1.3/berrypi", line 73, in
    file_outputst = structName + structFileExtensions['outputst'],
  File "/software/WIEN2k_14.2/BerryPI-1.3/", line 292, in
    phaseDirSpinWrp11 = self.wrp11(phaseDirSpinWrp11);
  File "/software/WIEN2k_14.2/BerryPI-1.3/", line 372, in
    numpy.round(numpy.absolute(x)/2)*2, lambda x: x]);
line 771, in piecewise
    condlist = np.vstack([condlist, ~totlist])
line 230, in vstack
    return _nx.concatenate([atleast_2d(_m) for _m in tup], 0)
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

Any suggestion on what could be going on?

Thanks in advance

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