
N.B., is the write statement

write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in y and z direction'

inconsistent -- should be x and z ?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Peter Blaha
<> wrote:
> There is no problem with kgen.
> Your two structures are P  and B lattices.
> You will never be able to make identical k-meshes for them, as the BZ is
> different and also the size of the unit cell and number of atoms/unit
> cell differ by a factor of 2 (although one specifies the same lattice
> parameters a,b,c).
> It is like: bcc Fe and Fe in a simple cubic cell with 2 atoms/cube.
> For a comparison of fine details one has either to converge both
> k-meshes, or double the cell (making the B cell --> P), then
> constraining symmetry by labelling some atoms). Then the k-meshes can be
> made identical.
> Am 07.09.2016 um 16:11 schrieb Laurence Marks:
>> One of my students noticed an inconsistency in basdiv.f which might be
>> a source of a problem she has (or not), see below. For certain the
>> code and comments appear to be inconsistent:
>>         read(*,*) n
>>         if((iarb(1).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(2))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and y direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(2).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(3).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in y
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>       endif
>> Suggestions?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Tassie Andersen <>
>> Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:21 PM
>> Subject: Likely source/s of stupid kgen error
>> To: Laurence Marks <>
>> Hello Laurie,
>> I think I may have found the source/s of the kgen error I described. I
>> searched for the exact error message in $WIENROOT/SRC_kgen and found
>> something helpful in basdiv.f . From what I can tell this file takes
>> in some variables, one of which describes whether the unit cell has
>> any equal length dimensions (x ,y , z), this is described in the
>> heading info by 'IARB' .
>> The problem is that later, when it checks the values of IARB (and can
>> generate a subsequent error message) it uses the following routine
>> with cases to check against :
>>       if(NMSHP.le.0) then
>>  123    write(*,*) " Specify 3 mesh-divisions (n1,n2,n3):"
>>         read(*,*) n
>>         if((iarb(1).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(2))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and y direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(2).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(3).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in y
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>       endif
>>       NMSHP=(N(1)+1)*(N(2)+1)*(N(3)+1)
>>       RETURN
>>       END
>> Notice that case 'if((iarb(2).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then' and
>> 'if((iarb(3).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then' have the same
>> requirements for variable n. This should probably be the following
>> instead (if I'm reading correctly):
>>       if(NMSHP.le.0) then
>>  123    write(*,*) " Specify 3 mesh-divisions (n1,n2,n3):"
>>         read(*,*) n
>>         if((iarb(1).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(2))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and y direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(2).eq.1).and.(n(2).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in x
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>         if((iarb(3).eq.1).and.(n(1).ne.n(3))) then
>>               write(*,*) 'Lattice symmetry requires equal mesh in y
>> and z direction'
>>               goto 123
>>         endif
>>       endif
>>       NMSHP=(N(1)+1)*(N(2)+1)*(N(3)+1)
>>       RETURN
>>       END
>> However, in the intro commented text there's a note saying '2 and 3
>> are reversed?' so I'm not sure is IARB(2)=1 specifies if y = z or if x
>> = z (vice versa with IARB(3) = 1). So either the fix I propose or the
>> corresponding one for the iarb(3) condition needs to be altered.
>> However, this doesn't solve the root of the problem (though it is
>> annoying and keeps you from entering the proper values).
>> The real issue is that my structure, where x=y=/=z should have
>> iarb(1)=1 and iarb(2), iarb(3) =/= 1. Somehow iarb(2) is being set to
>> 1 in this particular case (but not others with a different symmetry
>> group). The only file I can find that sets IARB values is bravai.f (or
>> birken.f or bravai_bla, but these two don't seem to be called ever). I
>> can't figure out where it's messing it up though. It'd be good to
>> print all three IARB values after bravai.f runs to check it but I'm
>> not sure how to do that. Any suggestions are appreciated.
>> So it seems there are at least 2 issues.
>> Regards,
>> Tassie
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
> Phone: +43-1-58801-165300             FAX: +43-1-58801-165982
> Email:    WIEN2k: 
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Professor Laurence Marks
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