Dear Gavin,

   Thank you very much for your answer.
   I am using Wien2k 14.2 and, unfortunately, that was the only message I
got from the standard output file (queuing system). The error files and
case.dayfile have no useful information.
   The interruption was during the  hf  execution, after lapw1, that
finished without a problem.
   It was not the first time I had to restart the calculation due to a shut
down. In the other cases, I restarted the calculation from scratch, but,
with a non parallel calculation, I have to solve this reinitialization
issue or the calculation will never end. So, I would be glad if someone
else could give me another hint.
   Thank you again.
   All the best,

2017-05-18 11:35 GMT-03:00 Gavin Abo <>:

> Sorry, those code line numbers are for WIEN2k 16.1.  For example, if you
> are using WIEN2k 14.2, the line numbers should be 998 instead of 1354 and
> 1006 instead of 1365 in SRC_hf/calc_h.F.
> On 5/18/2017 8:19 AM, Gavin Abo wrote:
> Unfortunately, I think that error message can tell you "why" the
> calculation stopped, but it might not tell you the initial "cause" of it.
> That is likely because the issue that caused it happened earlier in the
> calculation (perhaps lapw1?).  The vector file size is smaller than the
> vectorhf_old.  I'm not sure if they should be the same size or not.  If so,
> perhaps you need to restart the calculation in the lapw1 step (-s lapw1) to
> regenerate the vector file instead of starting with the hf step (-s hf),
> which I believe comes later in the calculation from that of lapw1, or you
> might just have to start the calculation over from scratch.
> In SRC_hf/calc_h_2.F, you should see:
> line 1354:
> !_COMPLEX call zheev('V','U',nbf,ham,nbf,enknew,workdiag,2*nbf-1,
> rworkdiag,info)
> line 1365:
>         if (info .ne. 0) then
>           print *, 'info=', info
>           stop 'error in calc_h_2: info not equal to 0'
>         endif
> From the code above, you can see that there likely should be a little more
> error information available from the "print *, 'info=', info" statement
> that you did not report.  I believe this should have been printed to the
> standard output (terminal or std output file if you are using a queuing
> system).
> Depending on the value of the info variable, the calculation seems to have
> stopped because it encountered an illegal value or there was a convergence
> problem [1]:
>         INFO is INTEGER
>           = 0:  successful exit
>           < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
>           > 0:  if INFO = i, the algorithm failed to converge; i
>                 off-diagonal elements of an intermediate tridiagonal
>                 form did not converge to zero.
> Perhaps, the software developers of the hf code have further insight than
> I currently do into what could resolve the problem.
> [1]
> complex16_h_eeigen_ga70c041fd19635ff621cfd5d804bd7a30.html#
> ga70c041fd19635ff621cfd5d804bd7a30
> On 5/18/2017 5:52 AM, Luis Ogando wrote:
>    I do not know if it is relevant, but my calculation is complex (-c).
>    Thank you again,
>                     Luis
> 2017-05-18 8:29 GMT-03:00 Luis Ogando <>:
>> Dear Wien2k community,
>>    I am trying to calculate the dielectric function for wurtzite GaP
>> using -hf and -so as previously discussed (
>> ).
>>    There was a shut down of the machine during the  hf  execution in the
>> first step of the calculation  (  run_lapw -hf ...  ). When the machine
>> came back, I removed the case.vectorhf (case.vectorhf_old is still there)
>> and case.energyhf.  Then, I executed
>> run_lapw -hf -NI -s hf -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.0001 -i 200
>> trying to restart the calculation (non-parallel execution due to the HF x
>> SO issue discussed in the previous messages above).
>>    The calculation restarted without a problem, but when the the
>> case.vectorhf reached 187MB (less than a half of the expected size, see
>> below) I got an error.
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 luisoda luisoda 187M Mai 18 03:51 GaPwurtHSE-DielSO-1.vector
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 luisoda luisoda 187M Mai 18 00:14
>> GaPwurtHSE-DielSO-1.vectorhf
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 luisoda luisoda 565M Abr 23 21:33
>> GaPwurtHSE-DielSO-1.vectorhf_old
>>    The only related error message I found it was:
>> error in calc_h: info not equal to 0
>>    I am probably making a mistake when restarting the calculation and I
>> would really appreciate any help with this issue.
>>    Many thanks in advance.
>>    All the best,
>>              Luis
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