
your struct file is wrong (Tb2Fe instead of TbFe2!).FT
Dear Tran 
Thanks for your quick reply unfortunately I am not able to receive message just 
send message Well I am attaching the .cif file It declare TbFe2  I am confused 
I got it from the same sent siteI got .struct from  the beautiful  cif2struct 
program Please could you assure where I get the  right .cif for TbFe2  instead 
Thanks again  
    On Saturday, March 24, 2018, 1:38:23 PM GMT+2, Sherif Yehia 
<wien542...@yahoo.com> wrote:  
 Dear wien users and experts
  I would like to calculate Magnetic moment for  TbFe2   I got nice   energy 
and charge  using   GGA convergence   in Spin polarization calculation 
ENERGY convergence:  1 0.000001 .0000001950000000
CHARGE convergence:  1 0.00001 -.000007 But the SPIN MAGNETIC MOMENT IN CELL    
 =   19.82951  according to literature     
Final Magnetic Moment           7.027 μB      so in Wien we hope to get 14    
two formula unit 

I am attaching the structure file  so I can get help to know my mistake 

 The  system is  Ferrimagnetic    I used 10000 k point and RKmax 9.0 

Latest version of wien2k 


Attachment: TbFe2 (copy).cif
Description: application/vnd.multiad.creator.cif

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