In addition to what Peter said:

The small EFG you get is a supercell effect. An isolated Hf-impurity on a 
Sr-site (which has a cubic point group, hence zero EFG) would have zero EFG 
too. But by using a tetragonal supercell (3x3x2) your break that cubic 
symmetry. The tetragonal sublattice of Hf atoms generates a non-zero EFG at the 
Hf-site. If you would use a more expensive a 3x3x3 supercell, the EFG on the 
Hf-impurity would be zero by symmetry again.

Such a large asymmetry parameter must be due to a serious (local) distortion. 
Perhaps there is another defect (vacancy, interstitial,…) sitting next to Hf?

And why do you call the negative EFG a reason of no confidence? As I told 
before, the TDPAC experiment measures the absolute value of Vzz only. The EFG 
in experiment might well be negative, but your experiment is not sensitive to 
the sign.

Bottom line: use all indications you have from experiment to build local 
environments for Hf (preferably in a cubic supercell), compute their EFG, and 
compare the absolute values and eta with experiment. When there is a match 
(within 0.5 to 1.0 1e21 V/m2), that local environment is a serious candidate to 
represent the experimental situation.

If you want to learn more about hyperfine interactions (physical background and 
experimental methods), visit this online course:<> (selfpaced study at any 
time, the next supervised edition starts in February 2019).


From: Wien <> On Behalf Of Ashwani Kumar
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 7:39 PM
To: wien <>
Subject: Re: [Wien] EFG: theory Vs experiment for a case

   thanks for reply. the assymetry parameter, (Vxx-Vyy)/Vzz,  is zero (wien2k 
calculation) whereas i got 0.52 from TDPAC (Time dependent perturbed angular 
correlation) spectroscopy for a SrTiO3 (STO) defect structure. EFG component is 
-1.63 x10^21 V/m2 (wien2k, lapw2 -efg) and i obtained 1.69 x 10^21 V/m2 
(calculated from TDPAC results). STO has cubic lattice so no efg and no 
assymetry  parameter (for both wien2k and TDPAC) but defect STO structure 
showed very pure hyperfine interactions with assymetry parameter : 0.52. So i 
am not having confidence over my wien2k calculation because :
1. i am getting assymetry parameter =0
2. Negative EFG which i understood from previous answers that negative sign 
indicates the rate of decrease of z-component of EF wrt to distance.

Am i missing something?,
Calculation parameters are :Supercell (3x2x2) STO with doped Hf atom, PBE, 
KGEN:200, rkmax: 7.0,

A. Kumar

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:02 PM Ashwani Kumar 
<<>> wrote:
  i have calculated EFG  the defect structure of crystalline system from 
experimental data from PAC spectroscopy. Then using WIEN2K (crystal 
structure--> supercell--> defect introduced), EFG is calculated.
Exper. Calculated : 1.69 x 10^21 V/m2 whereas wien2k calculation: -1.66 x 10^21 
V/m2 (crude value still have to do lapw2 -efg) on probe atom. Wien2k 
calculation shows negative value. is there any significance of the negative 

A. Kumar
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