
If :DIS at the end of the calculation is in the
range 0.006-0.2, then it's huge. Do the calculations
with "-cc 0.0001".


On Thursday 2019-01-17 21:19, Victor Zenou wrote:

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 21:19:31
From: Victor Zenou <za...@post.bgu.ac.il>
Reply-To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users <wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at>
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users <wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at>
Subject: Re: [Wien] proper k-points for Nd

Dear Lauri
Thanks for your answer
I used only energy convergence criteria (10^-4). Still the charge convergence 
was between 0.006 and 0.2 e.
The nearest neighbor distance is 6.856 a.u, I used RMT=2.7 a.u., summed to 5.4 
which is much lower than 6.856. Usually large RMT is preferred to make the
calculations as fast as possible. I plan to check a phases in Al-Ti-Nd and I 
chose RMT equal to 2.3, 2.5 and 2.7 respectively.

‫בתאריך יום ה׳, 17 בינו׳ 2019 ב-11:16 מאת ‪Laurence Marks‬ 
     With such large RMT you certainly need HDLO for Nd, perhaps both d & f. I 
would not want to use such large RMTs.

Have you checked that the charge convergence is good? 

Professor Laurence Marks
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has 
thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019, 03:04 Victor Zenou <za...@post.bgu.ac.il wrote:
Here is updated question:

Dear Wien2k users

I'm using wien2k version 17.1 installed on Ubunto 18.04.

I need to calculate the enthalpy of formation of few intermetallic phases that 
include Nd. For that element I used RMT=2.7 a.u. and RMT*Kmax=8.5 for
spin-polarization calculations via GGA-PBE. I didn't try spin-orbit coupling. 

The first stage is to choose proper k-points, which will give accurate results 
(I used 1x10^-4 Ryd for energy convergence) on one hand, but on the
other hand won't be expensive in terms of computing time.

I noticed that there are large energy fluctuations (1x10^-2 Ryd; which are 2 
order of magnitude higher than the energy accuracy (defined by
convergence criterion), even when I went to 15,000 k-points. Here is a list of 
energy as function of k-points:

K-points          IBZ      E [Ryd]

 100       8        -77040.4692

 500     38        -77040.4780

1000    81        -77040.5062

2000    120      -77040.5061

3000    208      -77040.4391

4000    244      -77040.4699

5000    280      -77040.4878

7500    455      -77040.4707

10000  540      -77040.4881

15000  840      -77040.4694


I would be happy to get an idea what could have gone wrong.

Best regards, Victor

‫בתאריך יום ד׳, 16 בינו׳ 2019 ב-13:59 מאת ‪Victor Zenou‬ 

     Dear Wien2k users

     I'm using wien2k version 17.1 installed on Ubunto 18.04.

     As a part of investigation of intermetallic phases in Al-Ti-Nd system, I 
need to calculate the enthalpy of formation of few phases in
     that system. For that purpose, I start calculating enthalpy (equal to 
energy at 0K) for each element and phase at their optimal relaxed
     state.  I used spin-polarization calculations. (GGA-PBE) As advised in 
Wien2k website I used the same RMT for each elements: 2.3, 2.5
     and 2.7 a.u. for Al, Ti and Nd, respectively. Also proper RMT*Kmax (7.5 to 
Ti, 8.5 to Nd and 7.0 for the rest).

     The first stage is to choose proper k-points, which give you accurate 
results (I used 1x10^-4 Ryd for energy convergence) on one hand,
     but also some save computing time.

     The calculation for all elements and phases went OK, but Nd. From certain 
k-points the energy fluctuated between 2 values (differed by
     1x10^-2). Attach a list of energy as function of k-points:

     K-points          IBZ      E [Ryd]

      100       8        -77040.4692

      500     38        -77040.4780

     1000    81        -77040.5062

     2000    120      -77040.5061

     3000    208      -77040.4391

     4000    244      -77040.4699

     5000    280      -77040.4878

     7500    455      -77040.4707

     10000  540      -77040.4881

     15000  840      -77040.4694


     I tried to get smart and did volume optimization using 4000 k-points, 
later 5000 k-points. I got strange results.

     I would be happy to get an idea what could have gone wrong.

     I didn't try spin-orbit coupling

     Best regards, Victor  



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