Dear WIEN2k Users!

Thanks to Luigi Maduro, who sent a bug report to the mailing list [1], we 
uncovered a bug in MPI-parallel version of lapw1 that happens ONLY if you have 
compiled the program without ELPA. Both the sequential code and the parallel 
code WITH ELPA are unaffected by this bug.

If you do not have ELPA linked and run lapw MPI-parallel, the ELPA keyword in 
the case.in1(c) file will be read in erroneously. That will lead to a crash of 

We strongly suggest that you install the latest ELPA 
( and recompile, since you can expect a speedup of 
200-300 % compared to ScaLAPACK.

If you cannot do so, there are two possible ways around that bug:

1) Either use the enclosed modules.F file: Copy it to your $WIENROOT/SRC_lapw1 
directory, recompile the MPI versions (by typing make rp and make cp ) and copy 
the newly compiled executables (lapw1_mpi and lapw1c_mpi) to the $WIENROOT 
directory. This will fix the bug.

2) Replace the ELPA keyword in the case.in1(c) file with SCALA - however, that 
will only fix the current calculation, i.e. you have to do so for all the cases 
where you want to use MPI-parallel lapw1.

Best regards,

Thomas Ruh


Attachment: modules.F
Description: modules.F

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