Perhaps it's just my system but the WIEN2k 19.1 nlvdw, which has been compiled with gfortran (gcc version 7.4.0 under Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS), is behaving strangely.  It seems to get hung up trying to open $file.outputnlvdw in SCR_nlvdw/vdw.F.  In x_lapw, I see $file.outputnlvdw defined as unit 6.

It might be that use of unit 6 in the nlvdw package is problematic when compiled with gfortran similar to what we saw for SRC_symmetry:

On 2/16/2020 9:18 AM, Tran, Fabien wrote:

The RAM of the computer was probably not sufficient and the job got killed. For such large systems you need to do MPI parallel calculations by adding a line "nlvdw:..." in the file .machines (see user's guide for detail) and using option -p (runsp_lapw -p ...). You should also run the other modules (lapw0, lapw1, lapw2) in parallel.

Beside this, I will very soon (probably tomorrow) send to the mailing list updated Fortran files for the nlvdw module. With these updates, MPI calculations should be much faster.

F. Tran

*From:* Wien <> on behalf of shamik chakrabarti <>
*Sent:* Sunday, February 16, 2020 4:50 PM
*To:* A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
*Subject:* Re: [Wien] Error in nlvdw
Dear Sir,

          I am replying to each of queries as below;

On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 20:35, Laurence Marks < <>> wrote:

    It is probably impossible for anyone to help you with so little
    information, beyond guesses which may be wrong.

    1) What information (errors) are in *.error, *.outputnlvdw,
    *.dayfile, :log ?

* in .error file;*
     Error in NLVDW

in *.outputnlvdw*
kernel type =  1 (M. Dion et al., PRL 92, 246401 (2004))
parameter Z_ab of kernel =    -1.88700000
gmax =  25.0
density cutoff rhoc = 0.300E+00
the NL-vdW potential is calculated with gmax_pot =  10.0

n_max, m_max, p_max =    101    101    101
ifft1, ifft2, ifft3 (for proc myid     0) =    203  203    203
ifft1*ifft2*ifft3 (for proc myid     0) =    8365427
Number of G-vectors (for proc myid     0) =    3099627

%                %
% You are using vdW-DF, which was implemented by the Thonhauser group. %
% Please cite the following two papers that made this development      %
% possible and the two reviews that describe the various versions:     %
%                %
%   T. Thonhauser et al., PRL 115, 136402 (2015).                %
%   T. Thonhauser et al., PRB 76, 125112 (2007).               %
%   K. Berland et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 78, 066501 (2015).             %
%   D.C. Langreth et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 084203 (2009). %
%                %
%                %
% If you are calculating the stress with vdW-DF, please also cite:     %
%                %
%   R. Sabatini et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 424209 (2012).   %
%                %

parameters of the kernel table:
Nq =  30, lambda = 0.111292E+01, q(1) = 0.100000E-04, q_cut = 0.100000E+02
Nr_points =   2000, r_max =   100.0
q_mesh =
     0.00001000     0.05312929     0.11224701 0.17804050
     0.25126365     0.33275542     0.42344952 0.52438515
     0.63671875     0.76173753     0.90087384 1.05572188
     1.22805595     1.41985071     1.63330352 1.87086022
     2.13524270     2.42948008     2.75694394 3.12138629
     3.52698255     3.97838044     4.48075151 5.03985262
     5.66208887     6.35459089     7.12529230 7.98302412
     8.93761444    10.00000000
* case.dayfile*:

 start (Sun Feb 16 20:49:03 IST 2020) with nlvdw (40/99 to go)
>   nlvdw (20:49:03) 111.6u 0.8s 2:47.73 67.0% 0+0k 95536+32io 24pf+0w
error: command   /usr/local/Wien2k/nlvdw nlvdw.def failed

>   stop error

in *.log file*.

Sun Feb 16 11:53:50 IST 2020>; (x_lapw) nn -f setrmt
Sun Feb 16 11:54:07 IST 2020>; (x) nn -up
Sun Feb 16 11:54:23 IST 2020>; (x) sgroup -up
Sun Feb 16 11:54:34 IST 2020>; (x) symmetry -up
Sun Feb 16 11:54:52 IST 2020>; (x) lstart -up
Sun Feb 16 11:55:32 IST 2020>; (x) kgen
Sun Feb 16 11:55:38 IST 2020>; (x) kgen -up
Sun Feb 16 11:55:47 IST 2020>; (x) dstart
Sun Feb 16 11:56:29 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -up
Sun Feb 16 11:56:58 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -dn
Sun Feb 16 12:00:37 IST 2020>; (x) optimize -up
Sun Feb 16 12:02:05 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -p
Sun Feb 16 12:02:24 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -up -p
Sun Feb 16 12:02:50 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -dn -p
Sun Feb 16 12:03:11 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -p -super
Sun Feb 16 12:03:31 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub
Sun Feb 16 12:03:33 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -up -p -super
Sun Feb 16 12:03:52 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub -up
Sun Feb 16 12:03:53 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -dn -p -super
Sun Feb 16 12:04:17 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub -dn
>;   (runsp_lapw) options: -nlvdw -ec 0.0001
Sun Feb 16 12:04:19 IST 2020>; (x) nlvdw
Sun Feb 16 20:44:14 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -p
Sun Feb 16 20:45:03 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -up -p
Sun Feb 16 20:45:51 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -super -dn -p
Sun Feb 16 20:46:40 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -p -super
Sun Feb 16 20:47:19 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub
Sun Feb 16 20:47:22 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -up -p -super
Sun Feb 16 20:48:08 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub -up
Sun Feb 16 20:48:11 IST 2020>; (x) dstart -dn -p -super
Sun Feb 16 20:48:59 IST 2020>; (x) clmaddsub -dn
>;   (runsp_lapw) options: -nlvdw -ec 0.0001
Sun Feb 16 20:49:03 IST 2020>; (x) nlvdw

    2) What omp are you using? What mpi?

   OPENMP 201511 and Open MPI: 3.1.2 are used

    3) What is the FFT size you are using, how much memory do you have?

   I am using 8 Gb Ram & I don't know how to check FFT size.

    A guess; the FFT size is too large for your memory.

  with regards,

    On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 1:07 AM shamik chakrabarti
    < <>> wrote:

        Dear Wien2k users,

                                 I was trying to simulate structural
        optimization of an Li-Sn alloy using nlvdw functional
        *rev-vdW-DF2. *I have successfully used this functional for
        other simple structures like SnS2.**However, I have
        encountered an error in the first cycle as "Error in NLVDW"
        this time. I have attached the struct file herewith this mail.

        Looking forward to hearing from you. However, if any other
        information is required, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

        with regards,

-- Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
        Research Fellow
        Department of Physics
        Indian Institute of Technology Patna
        Bihar, India
        Wien mailing list

        SEARCH the MAILING-LIST at:

-- Professor Laurence Marks
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering
    Northwestern University <>
    Corrosion in 4D:
    Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
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    Albert Szent-Gyorgi
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Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
Research Fellow
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Bihar, India
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