Dear Dr Fabien Tran,

Thanks for your reply. Actually, I set the Emin as -0.2 Ry, which means I 
discarded the states that are below -0.2 Ry. Could I ask you if the last number 
of the "band lines" is the occupancy?  If it is 0.0000000D+00 (double precision 
of 0), does it mean that the corresponding band is included as the valence 
state? Also I noticed there is a line "Energy to separate semicore and valence 
states: -3.971792594507138E-002". Could I ask if the value 
"-3.971792594507138E-002" in this line the predicted Emin by Wien2k?

Sorry for asking so many questions in this email.

Best regards,

> On 2 May 2020, at 10:12 pm, Tran, Fabien <> wrote:
> From your output2, we can see that you discarded the states that are below 
> -0.3 Ry
> (the occupancy in the last column is zero for them) to calculate the electron 
> density.
> You have to check that the number of remaining electrons used to calculate the
> valence electron density is the same as the number of electrons obtained from 
> lstart to
> create the valence electron density from superimposed ​atomic densities.
> From: Wien < 
> <>> on behalf of Ding Peng 
> < <>>
> Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2020 1:11 PM
> To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
> Subject: Re: [Wien] Questions about difference electron density map
> Dear Prof Peter Blaha and other WIEN2k experts,
> Many thanks for your advice. Your explanation is very clear and I can 
> understand most of them. But I still get some questions to ask:
> By following your advices, I've checked the band ranges in output2 and they 
> are :
>  ​
>  Compared to the information in case.scf1, I was thinking the Emin should be 
> set slightly above the energy band 10, which is from -0.3524 to -0.2916 
> (please correct me if I'm wrong). Does that mean the Emin of the whole 
> valence electrons should be set slightly above Emax of energy band 10, which 
> is -0.2916? 
> Many thanks,
> Ding​
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