
This is what I'm getting:

 Names of point group: -43m -43m Td
Number and name of space group: 216 (F -4 3 m)
-----> check in GaN_3dc.outputsgroup for proper symmetry, compare
 with your struct file and later with GaN_3dc.outputs
 sgroup has also produced a new struct file based on your old one.
 If you see warnings above, consider to use the newly generated
 struct file, which you can view (edit) now.
-----> continue with symmetry (old case.struct) or use/edit 
GaN_3dc.struct_sgroup ? (c/e)
next is symmery
> symmetry (12:20:29) Note: The following floating-point exceptions are 
> signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
0.002u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0% 0+0k 0+48io 0pf+0w
-----> check in GaN_3dc.outputs the symmetry operations,
 the point symmetries and compare with results from sgroup
 if you find errors (often from rounding errors of positions), apply x patchsymm

 Arthur H. Edwards

On Mon, May 25, 2020, at 3:14 PM, Gavin Abo wrote:
> Are you getting during the "x symmetry" step of init_lapw that it "does not 
> contain inversion"?

> -----> continue with symmetry (old case.struct) or use/edit 
> GaN_3db.struct_sgroup ? (c/e)
>  c
>  next is symmetry 
>  0.0u 0.0s 0:00.03 0.0% 0+0k 160+48io 1pf+0w

> The init_lapw script does a check using grep, is grep working ok and showing 
> after "x symmetry" that the output file "does not contain inversion"?

> username@computername:~/wiendata/GaN_3db$ grep INVERSION *.outputs

> The messages that you seem to be missing in the output on the screen in the 
> terminal appear to be related to the echo command. Are you running init_lapw 
> directly in the terminal, or are you perhaps running from within a job 
> script, or do you know if you perhaps you have something set on your system 
> that might be redirecting echo from the terminal to somewhere else like an 
> output file? You might check if the echo command is working for example with:

> username@computername:~/wiendata/GaN_3db$ echo $WIENROOT
>  /home/username/WIEN2k


> On 5/25/2020 2:07 PM, Arthur H. Edwards wrote:
>> Gavin:
>> Thanks for your response.
>> Fopr some reason, when I run this I don't get a message that there is no 
>> inversion. Here is the snippet. 
>> -----> continue with kgen or edit the GaN_3dc.inst file and rerun lstart 
>> (c/e)
>> c
>> -----> in GaN_3dc.in1_st select RKmax ( usually 5.0 - 9.0 ), LVNS and LOs
>> -----> in GaN_3dc.in2_st select GMAX and Fermi-Energy method
>> > inputfiles prepared (12:23:21) 
>> inputfiles prepared
>> next is kgen
>> > kgen (12:23:21) 24 symmetry operations without inversion
>> inversion added (non-spinpolarized non-so calculation)
>>  NUMBER OF K-POINTS IN WHOLE CELL: (0 allows to specify 3 divisions of G)
>> I'm missing the line after inputfiles prepared, yet, in the kgen call, you 
>> see that no inversion is flagged.
>> Art Edwards
>> -- 
>>  Arthur H. Edwards
>> On Mon, May 25, 2020, at 5:56 AM, Gavin Abo wrote:
>>> FYI, it looks like case.in1(c) and case.in2(c) is automatically created (in 
>>> WIEN2k 19.2) around the "inputfiles prepared" when "c" is answered for the 
>>> following question:

>>> username@computername:~/wiendata/GaN_3db$ init_lapw
>>> ...
>>> -----> continue with kgen or edit the GaN_3db.inst file and rerun lstart 
>>> (c/e)
>>> c
>>> File is unavailable.
>>> -----> in GaN_3db.in1_st select RKmax ( usually 5.0 - 9.0 ), LVNS and LOs
>>> -----> in GaN_3db.in2_st select GMAX and Fermi-Energy method
>>> > inputfiles prepared (05:41:45) 
>>>  inputfiles prepared 
>>>  inversion is NOT present 
>>>  > inputfiles for lapw1c/2c prepared, no inversion present (05:41:45)
>>> ...
>>>  init_lapw finished ok 
>>> username@computername:~/wiendata/GaN_3db$ ls -l *.in1* *.in2*
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 563 May 25 05:44 GaN_3db.in1c
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 563 May 25 05:44 GaN_3db.in1_st
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 297 May 25 05:41 GaN_3db.in2c
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 171 May 25 05:41 GaN_3db.in2_ls
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 297 May 25 05:41 GaN_3db.in2_st
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 126 May 25 05:40 GaN_3db.in2_sy
>>> On 5/25/2020 12:37 AM, Peter Blaha wrote:
>>>> When you use init_lapw in sequential mode, it asks many questions at each 
>>>> step. In one of the steps you were asked to copy the generated input files 
>>>> and you probably did not say yes at that point. 
>>>> In any case, I recommend to run 
>>>> x nn (or setrmt case); x sgroup; x symmetry 
>>>> to check the symmetry and correctness of your struct file. Once this has 
>>>> passed without errors, initialize in batch mode: 
>>>> init_lapw -h (for options) 
>>>> init -b -..... 
>>>> Check the output on the screen for problems. 
>>>> If necessary you can repeat this command with different options. 
>>>> Regards 
>>>> Am 25.05.2020 um 08:05 schrieb Arthur H. Edwards: 
>>>>> Prof Blaha: 
>>>>> Thanks very much for such a quick response.l I was using the command 
>>>>> line. Specifically, Iused init_lapw starting with the .struct file I'm 
>>>>> attaching. I didn't modify any of the files that resulted from the 
>>>>> various sub processes. I woild be glad to send anything else you might 
>>>>> find useful. 
>>>>> Art Edwards 
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