One important correction: none of what you described uses openmp
 (OMP), it is all mpi. In the most recent Wien2k openmp is controlled by
omp_X commands in the .machines file.

Professor Laurence Marks
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020, 13:45 Christian Søndergaard Pedersen <>

> Deat Professors Blaha and Marks
> Thank you kindly for your explanations, the code is running smoothly - and
> efficiently! - now. For the sake of future WIEN2k newbies, I will summarize
> the mistakes I made; hopefully this can save someone else's time:
> 1: calling 'mpirun run_lapw -p'
> As Professor Marks explained, calling mpirun explicitly led to overload of
> the compute node I was using. mpirun spawned one process per CPU on the
> node, each of which spawned additional processes as specified in the
> .machines file. The correct way is calling 'run_lapw -p'.
> 2: Issuing only one job in the .machines file, regardless of how many
> nodes/cores the job was using. For instance, for a Xeon16 node, I would
> write:
> 1:node1:4
> which uses 4 cores for lapw1/lapw2 while leaving the remaining 12 cores
> idle. I corrected this to:
> 1:node1:4
> 1:node1:4
> 1:node1:4
> 1:node1:4
> ... which works, and which is explained in the example for OMP on page 86
> of the manual.
> Best regards
> Christian
> ------------------------------
> *Fra:* Wien <> på vegne af
> Laurence Marks <>
> *Sendt:* 15. oktober 2020 17:15:30
> *Til:* A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
> *Emne:* Re: [Wien] .machines for several nodes
> Let me expand why not to use mpirun yourself, unless you are doing
> something "special"
> Wien2k uses the .machines file to setup how to use mpi and (in the most
> recent versions) omp. As discussed by Peter, in most cases mpi is best with
> close to square matrices and often powers of 2. OMP is good for having 2-4
> cores collaborate, not more. Depending upon your architecture OMP may be
> better than mpi or worse. (On my nodes mpi is always best; I know on some
> of Peter's that OMP is better.)
> The code internally sets the number of threads to use (for omp), and will
> call mpirun or its equivalent depending upon what you have in
> parallel_options. While many codes/programs are structured so they operate
> mpi via "mpirun MyCode", Wien2k does not. The danger is that you will end
> up with multiple copies of run_lapw running which is not what you want.
> There might be special cases where you would want to use "mpirun run_lapw"
> to remotely start a single version, but until you know how to use Wien2k do
> not go this complicated, it is likely to create problems.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 5:01 AM Laurence Marks <>
> wrote:
>> As an addendum to what Peter said, "mpirun run_lapw" is totally wrong.
>> Remove the mpirun.
>> _____
>> Professor Laurence Marks
>> "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
>> nobody else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2020, 03:35 Peter Blaha <>
>> wrote:
>>> Well, 99% cpu efficiency does not mean that you run efficiently, but my
>>> estimat is that you run at least 2 times slower than what is possible.
>>> Anyway, please save the dayfile and compare the wall time of the
>>> different parts with a different setup.
>>> At least now we know that you have 24 cores/node. So the lapw0/dstart
>>> lines are perfectly ok.
>>> However, lapw1 you run on 3 mpi cores. This is "maximally inefficient".
>>> This gives a division of your matrix into 3x1, but it should be as close
>>> as possible to an even decomposition. So 4x4=16 or 8x8=64 cores is
>>> optimal. With your 24 cores and 96 atom/cell I'd probably go for 12
>>> cores in mpi and 2-kparallel jobs per node:
>>> 1:x073:12
>>> 1:x082:12
>>> 1:x073:12
>>> 1:x082:12
>>> Maybe one can even overload the nodes a bit using 16 instead of 12
>>> cores, but this could be dangerous on some machines because of your
>>> admins might have forced cpu-binding, .... (You can even change the
>>> .machines file (12-->16) "by hand" while your job is running (and maybe
>>> change it back once you have seen whether timing is better or worse).
>>> In any case, compare the timeings in the dayfile in order to find the
>>> optimal setup.
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>>> Wien mailing list
> --
> Professor Laurence Marks
> Department of Materials Science and Engineering
> Northwestern University
> Corrosion in 4D:
> Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
> "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
> else has thought"
> Albert Szent-Gyorgi
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